Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Weekend of Firsts

We had a fun weekend last weekend. We're still not over our colds, but we're feeling better and needed to do something fun. Saturday Calvin had to work, so it was just me and the girls. We did grocery shopping and a few other errands, then headed over to the mall and played at the play place. Jocelyn is finally not scared to play with other kids, so she had fun crawling thru tunnels and thought it was neat that Kailee was there with her. They both did so well while out and about that we had McDonald's for lunch. It was Jocelyn's first Happy Meal! She loved the fries, and ate some of the cheeseburger.

She thinks it's pretty neat if I give her a whole of anything - she feels like a big girl, I think.Saturday wasn't too cold so we went outside for a bit and went down the slide and played fetch with Ellie. She HATES wearing mittens and cries whenever I put them on. She did leave the other one on after I scolded her, but she was not happy about it.Kailee didn't have school on Monday, so we decided to take a 'staycation' on Sunday night at our local Holiday Inn Express for a fun evening of swimming and pizza!It was her first time swimming, and she did really well! She wanted to drink the water, but wasn't scared at all, and liked to swim on her tummy. We went swimming right away on Sunday evening when we got there, but only went for a bit because the Vikings were on! (and we were hungry) Watching the sad game. Jocelyn is pointing out her barrette. She's very proud of it...she even points it out to strangers at Target.

Monday morning Calvin and the girls went swimming again

What a fun time! Let's do this again soon!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Putting the presents to use!

Now that Christmas is over, we're all healthy, and things have settled down a bit, we're enjoying all the fun new things we got for Christmas!

Kailee's puzzle from Mom & Dad. It took us two nights to finish! She got our sickness this weekend, so it was a good time to work on it.

Playing the Wii - isn't it supposed to get us off the couch?

The ducky towel from Grandma & Grandpa. She loves the towel and thinks it is so funny!

I put bubbles in her bath for the first time - she wasn't quite sure what they were, but thought they were fun to touch.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Jocelyn is learning all sorts of new things lately! It really seems as though she's understanding so much more, and just gets frustrated that she can't talk! She'll have conversations with us, but just babbles - so funny! Here are the signs she knows, along with some body parts. On the nose part - she doesn't point to her nose (ever) she just scrunches it up and blows air in & out. :)

She had her first round of throwing up last weekend. Ick. Poor little thing. She obviously had no idea what was going on, and just was so sad about it. She's feeling better now, but shared her sickness with both Calvin and I. I think it's going around - lots of people have gotten the same thing. Hopefully we'll be done for a while now!