Last Thursday Jocelyn graduated from 4K! They still have 3 days of school this week because of snow days, but I'm quite sure they're just playing and having fun. Thursday morning she was very excited for graduation. Wednesday evening...not so much. We are at Kailee's ball game and she was just a grump. I think it's probably starting to get a bit sad for her; her one best friend won't be going to daycare this summer, and they're at different schools in the fall. And, she doesn't know anyone at her school next year. I don't think she's realized that yet, but she does know none of her daycare friends are going to her school. Which is hard - she's been with a lot of these kids since she was 12 weeks old!
My big girl! She wanted to wake up early so I could curl her hair. Isn't she just the cutest?!
Waiting for the rest of her friends to come in...guess we were keeping her up
They all got diplomas, sang a song, and watched a cute slide show of their year. The teachers put on a great ceremony, and even had cake afterward!
Her good friends Keagan and Becca
Her good friend Nakiah
Her wonderful teachers - Melissa and Keshia
I truly can't believe how fast this year flew by. And I know next year will be even faster. She had a great time in 4K, learned a lot, and made good friends. We've learned that she is a leader (some may call it bossy) and likes to make sure everyone is following the rules. She's good at playing with everyone and tries to smooth things over when issues arise. She's coming along great with her reading and is enjoying it more and more. I think she has more confidence and doesn't get frustrated as easily. She really likes math and numbers, patterns and ordering. I'm excited for her to start kindergarten because I know she's going to love it and will do so well. But for now, we're going to enjoy our summer and our 4 days off together!