Thursday, January 7, 2010


Jocelyn is learning all sorts of new things lately! It really seems as though she's understanding so much more, and just gets frustrated that she can't talk! She'll have conversations with us, but just babbles - so funny! Here are the signs she knows, along with some body parts. On the nose part - she doesn't point to her nose (ever) she just scrunches it up and blows air in & out. :)

She had her first round of throwing up last weekend. Ick. Poor little thing. She obviously had no idea what was going on, and just was so sad about it. She's feeling better now, but shared her sickness with both Calvin and I. I think it's going around - lots of people have gotten the same thing. Hopefully we'll be done for a while now!

1 comment:

Brad and Barb said...

hey - GREAT pics and comments! That was really a FUN time and the video is really cute too - good thing you got that as she'll be out of that stage soon I'm sure!!