Sunday, July 11, 2010

NW State Fair

This weekend Mom and Dad came over for the weekend for a visit. They came on Friday, so Calvin and I went out to a movie, dinner and drinks. Saturday we went to the Northern Wisconsin State Fair. We had fun looking at the animals, eating fair food and going on a few rides. They stayed until today, and Jocelyn had so much fun playing with 'Namna' and 'Papa'.

The first barn we went into was the sheep. I thought she'd love them, but they were baaing too loud, so she was scared and wouldn't pet them.
The cow barn was better - she liked them.

Then we went to the feeding barn - she absolutely loved it. The first thing we saw were tiny baby goats - she laughed and laughed at them. She probably would have stayed there all day feeding all the animals!

She had fun riding the carousel and we also went down the big slide. That one she wanted to do again, and didn't understand why you only got one turn down the slide!

The last thing we did was have her ride the ponies. She was very hesitant to get on, but once they started moving she liked it.
Balloons sure are fun!
Here's a little video of her dancing at the fair - one of the midway rides had music playing and she just started dancing!
Eating raspberries from Grandma and Grandpa's bushes - they polished off the whole bucket! She just kept shoving them in her mouth.
Eating ice cream sandwiches with Grandma - this turned into quite the mess!

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