I'm feeling good; I finally have some energy and don't have to be in bed by 9:00 every night! I'm glad it's been cool out so far - we haven't had to turn the air on yet and it's been fine. I'm starting to feel the baby move - so far it's like something poking at me from the inside, which I guess it is. I had a dream last night that the baby was a girl - my first baby dream. We'll see if it proves to be right!
20 weeks
That baby sure is growing! It has barely been a week since we saw you last! We are really eager to see the ultrasound pictures!
Mom and Dad
You are so darn cute, Ren! Can't wait to see you on Saturday-we'll have the crib in tow so you can set up your little sweet pea's room. Ava is excited to pass it on :) Love, Melissa
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