Sunday, July 6, 2008

First Baby Pictures

We had our ultrasound on Thursday; here are some cute pictures from it! The body parts are typed on the picture on the bottom left corner. The face one is a little scary, but I love the rest. It was so neat to see the baby - now I'm really anxious for November! My favorite part was seeing the heart beat - you could see all 4 ventricles. The spine was neat too - you can see it on one of the pictures. The baby weighs one pound, and is big - the ultrasound tech said about a week ahead of schedule! My doctor's not changing my due date, but I'm hoping that means the baby will come early.

This is my favorite - I think it's sucking it's thumb!

Calvin felt the baby move for the first time on Friday night - it hadn't been strong enough for him to feel yet. It likes to move a lot at night - not too much during the day yet.

We just returned from a fun 4th of July weekend at the cabin with Calvin's family - it was our last kid free relaxing cabin trip ever! We were pretty lazy and took full advantage of that.


Melissa said...

Cool pictures-I love the last one, too-I think it is a thumb sucker! So cool...I am proud of you for not finding out the sex-it is such an amazing moment when you finally find out.Give that belly a little snuggle from me...Melissa

Lanae Brown said...

What great pictures of the little one! And you look just beautiful! I hope you continue to feel great and we wish you the best with the rest of the pregnancy!
-Nick & Lanae Brown