Here's the latest picture - I can't believe there'll only be 2 left! Although after 36 weeks I'll probably post weekly; the baby is gaining a 1/2 pound a week, so I'm sure it'll be noticeably bigger. I'm ready for this baby to come now; I'm starting to get swollen feet, ankles and hands by the end of the day, and the heartburn is awful! It doesn't help that it's been so hot out - I'm so glad I wasn't this far along in the middle of the summer. The baby still has room to kick, although not as hard as it has been, now it's just rolling around a lot more. And it gets hiccups a lot, which is a really weird feeling. So, we're all ready and patiently waiting to meet our little baby!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Rooms are Done!
Horray for everything - the bedrooms are done! I'm so excited. They're not decorated yet, but the major things are done. They turned out great; I couldn't be happier. Here are some pictures - you'll have to stop over to get the full effect! Thanks so much to my parents for all their hard work with the rooms - we couldn't have done it without you!
Kailee's Room
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Busy Weekend
This weekend Dad came over to help out with our projects - Kailee's room and the nursery. Kailee's room is finally done! YEAH! I think the floor should be dry enough by tonight to start moving some stuff it's not all over the house anymore. The nursery floor has been sanded and stained, and will be finished by this next weekend - maybe even painted too!
Kailee's room
The nursery
Our other big project is getting the rest of the fence put in. Pat was over this weekend too doing that - him and Calvin got a lot done on that. Just 2 gates left to put in and some touch ups, and then the fence is in! It'll be so nice to have that done so I can just let the dogs out and not worry about them. We are so blessed to have such wonderful dads who like to come over and work hard for us! We are so thankful for all their help.
First Day of School
Here's Kailee's first day of 3rd grade picture - I can't believe she's in 3rd grade already! Her teacher is great - so nice and full of energy! She runs marathons and teaches school - yikes! Kailee's looking forward to this year - it helps that it's not a new school, just some new kids (most of them she knew from last year). They have their own desks, assignment notebooks, and learn multiplication, division and cursive! Where has the time gone????
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