Sunday, September 7, 2008

Busy Weekend

This weekend Dad came over to help out with our projects - Kailee's room and the nursery. Kailee's room is finally done! YEAH! I think the floor should be dry enough by tonight to start moving some stuff it's not all over the house anymore. The nursery floor has been sanded and stained, and will be finished by this next weekend - maybe even painted too!

Kailee's room

The nursery

Our other big project is getting the rest of the fence put in. Pat was over this weekend too doing that - him and Calvin got a lot done on that. Just 2 gates left to put in and some touch ups, and then the fence is in! It'll be so nice to have that done so I can just let the dogs out and not worry about them. We are so blessed to have such wonderful dads who like to come over and work hard for us! We are so thankful for all their help.

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