Here's the latest picture - I can't believe there'll only be 2 left! Although after 36 weeks I'll probably post weekly; the baby is gaining a 1/2 pound a week, so I'm sure it'll be noticeably bigger. I'm ready for this baby to come now; I'm starting to get swollen feet, ankles and hands by the end of the day, and the heartburn is awful! It doesn't help that it's been so hot out - I'm so glad I wasn't this far along in the middle of the summer. The baby still has room to kick, although not as hard as it has been, now it's just rolling around a lot more. And it gets hiccups a lot, which is a really weird feeling. So, we're all ready and patiently waiting to meet our little baby!
1 comment:
You're so cute! I am so happy for you guys!
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