Here's some random pictures; it's been a while since I've gotten around to posting anything! Jocelyn's getting so big - she's starting to smile and coo which is just the greatest thing. I had a doctor's appointment on Monday that I brought her to, and she was such a show off! She was smiling and talking to the doctor and nurses like I've never seen her do before! She normally has to be in a pretty good mood to smile and talk, but she was just hamming it up for them! She's not getting any better at sleeping thru the night yet; I hope she learns that soon. We're still up every 2-3 hours to eat. I might move her to her crib soon - right now she's still in the bassinet next to our bed. But it is nice to just reach over, feed her, and put her back down. Her hair is starting to thin out - there's a balding spot on the side where I put my hand when I feed her, and the front is thinning too. I don't think all of it will fall out, but we'll have to see. Her eyes are still bright blue so I think they'll stay that color.
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