Saturday, January 31, 2009

Back to Work

Well, the vacation was over this week when I had to go back to work. It actually went much better than I expected. It was actually kind of nice to get out of the house, have some adult conversation, and see all my friends at work again. Since I'm only there 3 days a week, I don't feel too bad. She's sleeping really well too - about 4 hours at a time. I can handle only waking up once to feed her; I'm not too tired anymore.

1 comment:

Becky Andrysczyk said...

I looked at your photos from the vacation! Awesome!!!! I'm jealous you were swimming in January! It looks like you had an awesome time and man, Jocelyn and Kailee both are growing so fast! Jocelyn is so precious. I can't wait to meet her someday! Yay! Miss you lots. Take care and say hi to your family for me. Love ya, Becky