Saturday, March 14, 2009

I love toys!

Jocelyn has discovered toys! Yeah! She loves to hold them, put them in her mouth and listen to the fun sounds they make. I don't know if she's starting to teeth or not, but she really likes to chew on them, but can't quite figure out how to keep them in her mouth. She has her dad's patience level, so it's been a frustrating few days. :) Oh - the doctor was sick on Friday, so we had to reschedule her appointment to next Friday. Until then, she's sleeping in her car seat! It was such a nice day out today, we took the dogs to the dog park, which was a muddy mess, and played outside for a little while. She sat in her Exersaucer and watched Ellie and I play fetch - she loved watching her run around.

Ellie loves to come and lay by us when we're playing on the floor. This picture wasn't even posed. Ellie can't wait until Jocelyn's old enough to throw the ball for her!

1 comment:

Becky Andrysczyk said...

We have the same monkey toy with the fruit on the ring. Fun fun!