Thursday, July 16, 2009

8 months

Jocelyn was 8 months old last Friday! It's been a crazy week since then, so these are a little late. She continues to learn new things every day, and she is on her way to crawling! I'll put up some videos in another post - but she's getting faster at it every day. I think she was glad it was cold today so she could wear pants - a little easier on the knees that way. :)

In addition to crawling, she's pulling up on anything taller than she is when she's sitting down, putting everything in her mouth (still - even after 7 teeth are in!), talking (da-da, wa-wa - no ma-ma yet), feeding herself, trying new foods - broccoli and yogurt today, getting better at drinking from a cup, sleeping 10-12 hours in a row, growing (she's up to 19lbs., 11oz.), waving bye-bye, giving kisses when asked for one, laughing, smiling and making her mommy and daddy the proudest, happiest parents around!

Here are some other pictures from this month:

Last weekend we went to Neenah for my mom's high school reunion, and got to spend lots of time with family. My cousin got a dog this summer, and Molly is 3 months old. She was so good with Jocelyn (much calmer than our dogs!) and loved that they could share treats!

Posing in the adorable outfit Grandma made for her

Playing Twister with Kailee

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