Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Daily life

Here are pictures of some random things - they were just too cute to not show off!

These are Jocelyn's leggies. Mom found them for her in Door County -
they protect her knees as she's learning to crawl.... :)

This is my new favorite picture of her. She sleeps on her tummy now, and she had just woken up from her nap.

I took the bumper pads off so she wouldn't suffocate, but now her feet and legs get stuck!

She doesn't normally grab for the spoon when she eats, but obviously this time she did! She did pretty good if I put the food on the spoon, she got it to her mouth with most of it still on. I think she more wanted it to chew on (yes, more teeth are coming in).

Kailee's last softball game. The girls improved greatly this year, and she really had a fun time. I was a little worried, as it's fast pitch, and last fall when she tried it out she got pretty frustrated. Her team was all pretty young and inexperienced though, which helped.
She didn't get to score here - the girl batting struck out. Bummer. At least she didn't have to leave third this time to go to the bathroom....
Her last up to bat - she hit a foul ball over the fence and hit a car! I think it was the highlight of her season!

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