Saturday, October 10, 2009

11 Months

It's the last month before my baby turns one! I truly can't believe how fast the time has gone. Her new skills this month are standing alone for longer periods of time, and I think doing it on purpose. She'll let go now knowing she's standing on her own, whereas before she'd just get so interested in looking at something she had to use 2 hands to look at it! No walking yet, but we were playing last night and I stood her up about a foot away from me, and she took one step towards me, but then fell into my lap. She thought it was a funny game. She's also pointing a lot more to indicate what she wants. No words yet (that we can decipher anyway). She enjoys reading, dancing, listening to music, playing with toys - putting things on her head and around her neck are becoming funny, and climbing on everything. She's still just a happy, smiley baby!

What a difference a month makes! If you remember, her 10 month pictures were taken in a t-shirt and capris. This is what we woke up to this morning....

She started to crawl off the blanket towards me, but then got snow on her hand! She wasn't quite sure what to think about that - she stared at it for a while.

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