Tuesday, August 10, 2010


So, the 4th trip was to MN over the weekend.  We were supposed to head up on Thursday night for a family reunion, but obviously that wasn't going to happen!  We did head over on Saturday - Jocelyn was doing just fine by then.  I don't have many pictures - too many other things were on my mind!  We had a fun time visiting with family - we were at my aunt and uncle's house in Alexandria with all my mom's siblings and my grandma.  My brother and Katie were able to make it back, so it was great to see them as well.

Jocelyn's new puppy and purse from Great Grandma
Jocelyn and Sadie - my cousin's daughter.  The sweatshirts my grandma got in Door County this spring!

We stayed at my parent's house on Sunday and Monday to see Katie and Brian more.
At the zoo

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