Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ice Cream

We love to eat ice cream at our house.  I typically don't like it except in the summer, but it's growing on me. :)  Jocelyn has been quite messy with her food lately.  She's stopped using her fork and likes to use her hands for everything, even ice cream.  Calvin gave her some on a plate the other night, and she thought it was great fun to finger paint with it!

 Then last night we had ice cream again.  This time she didn't use a spoon either, and thought she needed to get every little last bit out of the bowl.  I know I probably shouldn't let her lick her bowl out, but hey, it is ice cream....

 It wasn't supposed to be bath night, but is sure was after that!  She freaked out when she saw herself in the mirror - she didn't like how that chocolate looked on her face.

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