Saturday, October 9, 2010

Jocelyn Update

Here's what Jocelyn's been up to the last few weeks!

Playing with her babies/stuffed animals.  I think she could do this all day, every day.  She loves to haul them around, put them in the stroller, put them in blankets, put them in their bed, then do it all over again!  She's great about playing by herself, and this is the activity that keeps her busy the longest.

Her second chore - setting the table!  Her first chore was learning to clear her plate when she's done eating, and she's so proud every time she does it.  I needed her out of the kitchen while I was making dinner, so I had her set the table.  She put all the plates on by herself, and put all the silverware on the plates without me even telling her!  What a big girl.
 Trying on Kailee's shoes...still needs a few more years of growing before they'll fit!

Picking up poop.  She sees us use gloves to pick up the dog poop outside, so she's been wanting her socks on her hands and she pretends to pick up poop.  I guess they really do imitate everything they see!

Watching cartoons.  She only really likes her DVD's - Elmo and Baby Einstein.  But she really likes them.  We have to limit it to one a day.  I hope they're teaching her good things!

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