Saturday, September 25, 2010

Jocey Ana

I've realized it's a very good thing I'm not a single mom.  For a mulitude of reasons, but the one I realized the other day is that both Calvin and I teach Jocelyn different things.  Some things I wouldn't think of to teach her yet, he does.  He taught her the other day to say her last name!  However, she just thinks it's her last name - no one else's.  He's trying to teach her my name and his name too, but that's not going as well.  We're simply Mama and Daddy!  So, here she is saying her full name.  It's pretty cute. And sorry that most of the videos are in her high chair with food everywhere, but it's the only place I can get her to sit still long enough! 

Eating 'pop' with Daddy

Playing with blocks this morning - she did NOT want her picture taken!

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