Saturday, September 11, 2010


Since we planted 8 tomato plants this year, we have an abundance of tomatoes.  I like fresh tomatoes, but I don't love them.  So, I tried my hand at canning!  It actually wasn't too hard, just got really hot in the house.  I would never buy produce to can - way easier to buy them - but since we had them, it was fine.  I have more to do tonight - I think I'm going to get smaller jars so it's not so much to use all at once.

The finished product!
The second batch I didn't have time to can, so I decided to freeze them.  Much faster, but I now have no room in my freezer - between these and the zucchini.

And the third thing I did was make jam!  We have quite a few raspberries now, and we got a bunch at one time when we were gone for a weekend.  So I saved some up and made jam last night.  It was way easier than I thought it would be, and we got 7 1/2 jars out of one batch!  I won't have to buy jam for a long time now.

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