Saturday, September 11, 2010

First Day of School

Well, Kailee has offically started her last year of elementary school!  She started the Wednesday before Labor Day, and so far seems to like it.  She has 27 kids in her class, 17 of which are girls.  I'm glad I'm not her teacher!  Her teacher seems great - she's really pushing them to be a lot more independent this year, which is great!  This will take Kailee a bit to get used to - responsibility is one of her opportunity areas.  It's amazing to me how much she forgot over the summer - I can understand why year round school would probably be a good thing!  She's doing safety patrol this year in the mornings (I think because they get to go to Valleyfair at the end of the year) and is playing fall softball starting this month.  She continues to be such a wonderful young lady and we enjoy all the time we get to spend with her.  She's a great big sister, and Jocey absolutely adores her.  We are so blessed to have such great kids!

I know these pictures aren't the best, but it was awful enough to get two pictures.  How embarrassing to have your parents take your picture on the first day of school!

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