Friday, November 12, 2010


My precious girl turned two this week!  I can hardly even believe it - I think this year went faster than the first did.  We didn't do anything on her actual birthday, except sing happy birthday all the way to Ama's house!  And she knows she's two now and can hold up two fingers by herself.  When I picked her up at daycare on Tuesday, her teacher said she was holding up two fingers and saying "peace out".  I thought she'd been saying "please help"!  But yep, indeed, she does say peace out.  One of her other teachers taught her to say it.  Cute!  We're having a party this weekend with Calvin's side, and we'll do another party at Thanksgiving with my side.  I say you should always stretch a birthday out as long as possible! 

We had her 2 year check up today, and the doctor says she's perfect!  Growing nicely - 27 lbs. and 34.5 inches.  She did get two shots, so now her legs hurt.  Poor thing.  And she had to have blood drawn for the lead test - which they just prick her finger and then squeeze out the blood!  She did great though - last year she screamed the whole time - this year she just sat and watched. 

She's talking more and more every day, and just moved up to the 2 year old room at day care, so I'm sure she'll talk even more now!  They start potty training with them - a sticker each time they try, and an M&M if they go.  I think it'll just take one M&M before she wants to go all the time!  They have the cute little pottys that look like regular ones.  I guess she's still a little unsure of them, but did try twice last week.  That will be wonderful to get her out of diapers!

Here are her bear pictures

1 comment:

Lanae Brown said...

Happy Birthday Little Lady! It's hard to believe you are 2! Hope you have a wonderful party month!