Thursday, February 3, 2011

5 weeks later...

I have been informed that it's been 5 weeks since my last blog post.  I think certain grandparents have been missing their little girl!  It's been a busy 5 weeks - most of which we've spent with at least one of us being sick.  January started out with me taking a trip down to Omaha for work.  I was there for a week, came home for the weekend, and went back down for a week.  It was a very busy trip, but it was fun and good to do something different for a few weeks.  I am so thankful that Anita helped out with Jocelyn and it was good for her to get to spend some good quality Daddy time too.  The weekend I was home was my birthday weekend and I went scrapbooking!  Mom and Dad came over to stay with Jocelyn and had a great time. 

Since then I've been playing catch up!  Calvin's been sick on and off since Christmas, Jocey was sick right after I got home from Omaha, and Kailee stayed home sick today!  I so far, have only felt awful for 3 days -  last weekend we spent the whole time on the couch.  We were rescued by Pat & Anita - they took Jocelyn overnight Saturday so we could get some good rest.  I am SOOOOOOOO ready for winter to be over! 

I don't have a lot of pictures, but here's what I've got!

Two weeks ago we headed over to the Cities for my sister in law Nicole's baby shower.  I made the diaper cake (with a lot of help from Mom).

 The two preggos - Angie and Nicole

Angie had the idea for everyone to make a Onesie for Baby Henry - they really turned out cute!

Nicole with her mom and sister
 The Kavanaugh girls.  We had a fun shower and are so excited to meet Baby Henry!  Only about 6 weeks to go!

When Jocelyn was sick we put a pillow in her crib so she wouldn't cough quite as much, and now she insists on sleeping with one all the time.  She also has a crib full of animals and blankets each night.  This is how she arranged them the other night before she fell asleep....

 She posed Carla and Teddy and wanted her picture taken!  She's getting so big.  It's really fun that she's able to have real conversations now, and her favorite word is 'why'.  Mom & Dad think it's really funny - they say it's payback from when I was little!  It's constant...but I'm glad that she's so curious about everything.  We're kinda starting potty training - they go at day care, and peer pressure is a wonderful thing.  She'll tell us occasionally that she has to go, but when I put her in undies a few weeks ago she peed and didn't tell me, and didn't even care or maybe even notice.  So, we're not quite there yet.  I'm also not pushing it - diapers are easier.  Lately she's really into puzzles and pretending with her babies.  She's a really funny kid and it's fun to watch her sense of humor developing.   
 A few weeks ago Calvin gave the dogs a bath, and Jocey joined in.  Notice in this first picture she's dressed and outside of the tub....
 She leaned over to get something and fell right in!  She thought it was great to be in there with them - sick.  There was so much hair in that tub!  She does love her dogs though....

Playing with shaving cream - one of her favorite messy things to do!

Calvin took some vacation time this week, so we're looking forward to a fun weekend all together.  Plus, the Packers are in the Super Bowl (if you haven't heard) so I'm very excited for Sunday.  The last time they were in the Super Bowl I was in college!  The party probably won't get as crazy this time, but will be fun anyway.

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