Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Black Snowpants

Next year I'm buying a black coat and snowpants for Jocelyn.  Look at this mess!  It had rained all day this day and when we got home from running some errands she really wanted to play outside - she got out there before I could catch her and was making a mess of her clothes (hence the snowpants outside of the coat).  She, of course, doesn't care and absolutley can't wait until it's nice out so she can play outside every day!  About 2 days after this we got 7" of snow, so she's going to have to wait a little bit longer.  She's really grown up a lot over the winter - she doesn't need any help getting up the ladder and can even use the one with the rungs far apart.  She likes the regular swing as opposed to the baby swing, although if she wants to go really high then she'll go in the baby swing.  She'll be climbing the monkey bars before we know it! 

And here's a random picture with an Easter basket on her head. :)

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