Monday, August 15, 2011

Fair Hair

Last weekend Jocelyn and I went down to this little festival thing they had downtown.  It was kinda junky, but fun to be outside and eat good junk food.  I had some extra tickets left, and we had eaten enough ice cream and cheese curds by then, so I let Jocelyn get her hair done.  She thought it was fun, and sat very nicely for the hair lady.

We went over to Pat and Anita's that evening for supper and visiting - a bunch of family was in town for our nephew Elliot's baptism the next day.  She wouldn't let me give her a bath before we went over, she was very proud of her pink and purple hair.  Luckily it came out in the tub, but I had to use about half the bottle of conditioner to get all the ratted mess out!  She wasn't too happy - as you can tell. 

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