Monday, September 26, 2011

Ella Marie

In August we headed up to Grand Forks to meet our niece, Ella!  We were so excited to see her and sunggle a new baby.  She was so tiny and precious.  She's a very content baby and we had fun holding her and even got to baby sit and give her a bottle!  Calvin & Brian worked out in the yard a lot, and us girls had fun just hanging out.  We went to the playground on Saturday - it was a beautiful weekend - and watched a few movies.  We wish they lived closer, but the drive actually went pretty fast and the girls are both such wonderful car riders, which makes all the difference!

 On the way up - this never happens!

Helping Uncle Brian make pancakes.  We ate so good - they spoiled us with wonderful food all weekend!

We brought up all of Jocelyn's baby clothes for Ella to borrow - Jocey kept taking them and dressing her zebra.

Kailee got a few guitar lessons from Brian....

The girl cousins

Jocey's foot looks like a giant foot....

She turned one month old while we were there - she was way more interested in looking at the bear than at the camera!

 So tiny....
We get to see them again in about a month, and I'm sure she'll have changed so much by then.

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