Here are some updated pictures of Jocelyn! She's just a funny girl, has such a great sense of humor, and is really getting into telling stories about all sorts of made up things. She has her two main imaginary friends, Hamia and Konkia, but she'll make up other ones randomly too. Konkia is a baby in her tummy, and she's coming out at Christmas time. That part of the story is always the same, but beyond that it changes all the time! It's so fun to listen to all the creative things she comes up with! She likes to read stories to her babies and is getting good at making up stories that do make some sense with the pictures.
She continues to like to dress herself and is very creative on that front as well.
She loves to color and draw, and is getting good at drawing people! I have absolutely NO artistic ability, so this is just amazing to me!
This day she got dressed all by herself - the entire outfit was backwards!
A few weeks ago she fell backwards off a chair outside and hit the back of her head on a rock. It was still bleeding pretty good at bed time, so I put this on her head so she wouldn't get blood all over her bed. So of course she had to wear it the next day too! And she likes to wear 'mitten socks' if her hands are cold.
Making goofy faces while cutting - one of her favorite craft projects to do!
She's been really into stickers lately - she'll sit for hours coloring and putting stickers on paper. We have a LOT of stickers, so I'm glad she likes to use them!
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