Saturday, May 12, 2012


We had a great 3 weeks with Cory while he was home on leave.  The girls were so excited to see him.  I wasn't sure how Jocey would react, but I think we talk about him so often that she remembers.  She didn't hesitate, just ran right up to him and gave him a big hug.  I think it made his week.  Ginger was the funniest though, she was so excited to see him and didn't stop for at least 2 minutes, just whining and crawling all over him.  Again, made his week. :) 

He's changed so much in the past year and a half - he's definitely more responsible, considerate, and just an all around more grown up guy.  We're so proud of him!  He heads off to Afganistan in June, and we won't see him again until probably next summer.

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