Friday, August 24, 2012

When Jocelyn grows up

"Mommy, when I grow up, I'm going to be an artist, a sister, a teacher and an ice cream truck driver."
Here's my little artist!


The other fun thing we did on our vacation was go camping!  We have only gone once since Jocelyn's been born, and we sure didn't go the summer I was pregnant.  So we really haven't gotten much use out of our camping stuff recently!  And we could have taken Pat & Anita's camper, but I want Jocelyn to have a few years of tent camping before we woos out. :)  But you forget how much stuff you need to go, even just for 2 nights.  And next year we're going 3 nights, and in the middle of the week.  We went Thursday and Friday night, and Friday night was way too busy.  We went to Lake Wissota, which is just about 30 minutes away.  Perfect distance.
Putting up the tent - there were no fights or tears!  That's normally a stressful job.  But, we are getting another tent for the girls to sleep in.  It's just too crowded with all our air mattresses.
 Who doesn't wear striped knee high's and a skirt camping?

 It got pretty chilly both nights we were there.  I didn't bring a warm enough sleeping bag for Jocelyn, so she was up quite a few times in the night and woke up at 6:00!  This girl has never been up that early on her own.  Thankfully Calvin got up with her, and they went and sat by the fire.  This picture was at about 6:30.  Whew.  That would have been an awful day!  He put her back in the tent with me and we slept until 9:30.  That's more like it.
 We spent a lot of time bike riding and walking.  It wasn't very warm out, but perfect camping weather.  Jocelyn's still a bit slow on her bike, so I walked so I wouldn't have to constantly be telling her to hurry up.  Calvin and Kailee took the dogs and lapped us quite a few times!

 They have a nice playground there, so Friday we walked there to check it out.
 Even Calvin got in on the fun!

 We saw lots of cool bugs too!  Calvin found this cricket at the playground.  There were lots of daddy long leg spiders at our campsite, but I didn't get any pictures of them.
 We found these two caterpillars at the playground too.

 Poor moth with half its body missing

 She does like bugs, but this one was a little close!

 Not a bug, but wildlife.  Kailee and I also saw a racoon on one of our evening walks.  Thankfully no one saw any bears.

 Making pizza in the pie iron - not a big hit.  I thought they were good!

 We had fun at this little beach - the water was freezing, but good for throwing rocks and getting your feet wet.

 Since Calvin got up the first morning, I took my turn the second morning (however it was 8:30 instead of 6).  Look at the coffee and eggs I made!  I don't think I've ever lit the stove before (propane makes me nervous) but I really wanted some coffee.  And I couldn't be wimpy in front of the girls!

 We've had to resort to bribing Jocelyn with a silly picture if she'll smile for a nice picture first.

We all had a lot of fun, and the weather was beautiful.  The girls really had a good time, and it was good for the 4 of us to spend some quality relaxing time starts soon!

MN trip - part 2

The reason we were over in MN (besides visiting my wonderful parents just for fun) was to see my Aunt Sandy, cousin Laura, her husband Kevin, and their daughter Sadie (who will be 3 in a few weeks).  They live over in Appleton, and made the trip over for a long weekend. 
Jocelyn loves to ride her scooter!
Grandma helping her down the hill.  I guess we don't really have any hills by us, so she's used to just riding on flat ground.  She was a bit nervous going down the hills, especially on her bike.

 It was pretty warm out on Saturday, so the girls headed right to the pool!  They have it made now - Dad fills up the pool from the laundry room so they can have not freezing cold water.  I'm quite certain we never had that luxury when we were little!

 Jocelyn loved running thru the sprinkler...Sadie not so much.
 I didn't get a picture of it, but Dad was sitting on the grass by the pool when Jocelyn got up with a cup of water, went over to him and dumped it all over his shorts!  With no prompting from me!  So Dad had to get her back with the hose.
 As she's running, she's singing "You can't catch me!  You can't catch me!"
 Then she poured water on him again!  What a little stink.
 After nap time the girls decided to paint their nails.  Jocelyn always has painted nails and loves to paint other people's nails. 
 Sadie wasn't quite sure she did a good enough job.
 So she wanted to try herself.  Only she just wanted to paint with it.  So, naturally, we got out the finger paints instead!

 They really should call it body painting.  What little kid actually just keeps the paint on their fingers?!

 Time to get clean!  That was the grossest water I'd ever seen, and we even rinsed them off before they got in!

 Monday we went to the zoo.  We go to the zoo quite a bit, and this was the first time I'd ever seen the bears playing!  They're normally just sleeping.  It was so fun to watch them.  And then they came right up to the glass and were swimming around there and putting their noses right on it.  I was too busy watching to take any pictures!

 The girls loved the farm - who doesn't love to feed goats? 
 They even had little brushes for the kids to use.  Jocelyn and Sadie thought that was really fun.  Poor goats.

 Waiting for the dolphin show
 Wouldn't that be a fun job?
 This was a common scene all weekend.  Sandy brought the girls coloring books (2 of the same one - smart lady) and they did a lot of coloring!  Jocelyn told Sandy that she wants to be an artist when she grows up. 
 Monday night we headed outside for some bubbles, squirt guns and a fire.

What a fun weekend we had!  It was nice the girls had each other to play with, and it's always fun to see Sandy, Laura and Kevin.