Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I feel like October flew by - we had the whole entire month with nothing planned out of town!  And many weekends we had nothing planned.  It was glorious.  But it still did go by fast - it's amazing how little I can get done in 4 days off.  I think we put up the Halloween decorations about a week before Halloween!  And we carved pumpkins at a friend's house, so didn't get a lot of pictures, and Kailee didn't even carve hers.  Oh well - next year.

 Jocelyn had a hard time deciding what she was going to be this year.  At first she wanted to be a kitty, then a kitty and a monkey, and I wanted her to wear a Cinderella costume that Kailee wore when she was 3.  Luckily she had 2 parties at day care, plus trick or treating, so she got to wear 3 different costumes!
This was party #1 - she was going to be a monkey, but decided at the last minute she didn't want to be that.  So we pulled a cheerleader outfit out of her dress up bin, and she was a cheerleader!

 Party #2 - a kitty
 This is what happens when you leave the face paints laying around....

 And finally, trick or treating.  Anita and I took her out right at 5:00 and hit about 5 houses on our block.  Then she was getting a bit chilly (okay - mostly I was getting chilly) so we headed home to pass out candy.

 With her friend/neighbor Riley
 Back in the warm house!  She loves to pass out candy, and was very content to stay inside and do that.  I'm so glad - we have enough candy to last the rest of the year as it is!

 Both in their masks

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