Saturday, June 15, 2013


Kailee had her first marching band parade over Mother's Day weekend.  Yes, we did have to break out the winter coats, hats and mittens to watch the parade.  Of course the only time it rained all day was the 15 minutes we were outside watching!  But the plus side to that is there were hardly any kids there, so we got LOTS of candy!

 Mother's Day with my girls

 Jocelyn knows how to spell a few words by herself, and these are some of them.  She did this all by herself while eating lunch!  I came down to check on her and found this.  What a sweet girl!

 We had a big change in our house in May.  Calvin changed jobs after 13 years in the restaurant business!  He's now working with his dad selling fishing bobbers and stops that his dad makes.  We've had a website for a few years where we've sold them, but he decided to go full time with it.  It's been a big change, but we're really enjoying having him home more and the flexibility that being your own boss brings!
This was his last day at work - Jocelyn did not want her picture taken at 6:30 in the morning - I guess I really can't blame her.
 Much better in the afternoon!
 And she still loves the face paints....

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