Friday, October 24, 2008

37 Weeks

Here's the latest and greatest. I'm feeling crabby today and just want this baby to get here! These last 3 weeks are going to be awful.... Let's just hope it's only 3 more weeks.


J and K said...

Sorry you're crabby. :) I want the baby to come too. Talk to her and tell her to get out of there.

Becky Andrysczyk said...

I know exactly how you feel. Hang in there, Renee. It will subside, and then the crying, pooping, sleepless nights begin. But, all worth it for the little bundle of joy! I can't wait to see your baby!

Brad and Barb said...

Only 10 days until my guess for which I am quite sure you are holding out! You are looking great! We are so eager to meet our precious grandbaby!