Friday, November 21, 2008

First Doctor's Appointment

Jocelyn had her first doctor's appointment yesterday, and she did great! She's gained back all her weight and then some - she's up to 7 lbs., 7 oz. She's a good eater! Also, I'm never writing her sleeping times again - I think I jinxed us. The last 2 nights she's been up every hour and a half! Last night she didn't fall asleep until 12:30, and had been up since 8:00. She's much more alert during her awake periods so that's really fun. We had our first night alone last night when Calvin went in to work as they have a manager out sick this week. We did pretty good, she even slept while I ate dinner, which was great! We read some books and she had some tummy time, so I think it was a productive evening. :)

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