Friday, February 13, 2009

First Day of Daycare

Here's Jocelyn's first day of day care picture! She normally wakes up around 8 or 9, so waking up at 6 was not that fun. She actually does really well in the mornings and has only been awake when arriving at day care once! It's much easier to drop her off when she's sleeping - I don't feel so bad then. She seems to be having a fun time - she's made an art project almost every day she's been there and likes to smile and tell stories to her teachers. She practices something every day - this week it was sitting, playing in the Excersaucer and tummy time! She has also gotten her first cold from the snotty day care kids. :) Her nose is all stuffy and her eyes are goobery in the morning when she wakes up. Last night she slept in her car seat after we were up from 1 until 3:30 because she just couldn't breathe good laying down. Good thing winter is almost over!

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