Friday, June 12, 2009


Jocelyn had prunes for the first and last time yesterday. She should have been wearing a full body diaper this morning. That's all I'm going to say.


Brian and Katie said...

So I'm in the middle of my lunch, and I decide, "hey, why don't I go check out some blogs!" So here your blog was updated just 4 hours ago, what great luck...hmmm, Prunes eh? I think I'll take a read, I thought...This chili doesn't look as apatizing anymore, thanks for the post!

(I'm actually having a turkey sandwhich, but I thought chili would get a better laugh :) )

Lanae Brown said...

Haha! We've only had prunes once too!

Becky Andrysczyk said...

Jocelyn is oh so adorable. I want to meet her this summer. Maybe she and Ayden can play together. The prunes comment is very funny. ha ha. Ayden is getting teeth too, on the bottom and now on top too. He's almost crawling...babyproofing here we come. Miss ya! Are you on Facebook yet?