Sunday, September 27, 2009

Apple orchard

We went to the apple orchard today - it was an interesting trip! Last year we waited too long to go and didn't get many apples. This year I think we went a few weeks too early. Maybe we'll go again in a few weeks with Kailee. It was super nice out this morning, so I thought it would be a good day to go. Jocelyn slept in, we went to church, and then had Kailee's softball game to go to at 1:00. So we put her down for a nap after church, but we had to wake her up so we had time to go to the orchard. She was happy when she got up, but once we got to picking apples she got super crabby. I think she was hungry and she didn't just want apples for lunch. And she only wanted Calvin to hold her, so the pictures with me are kind of funny. She was fine after we got in the car and she had her bottle - she had fun at Kailee's game and had a good evening. Guess we shouldn't wake her up from naps anymore!

Taking her first bite...

Woah - these are a little tart!

She wanted to hold her piece - but she kept shoving the whole thing in her mouth and wouldn't take a smaller piece.

Not a happy camper

All better! Daddy lets me hold the whole thing....

Sorry I was crabby Mom - I'm all better now!

Eating dirt at the softball game - I guess the apples didn't fill her up.


Here's Jocelyn showing off her new skills - she's getting pretty good at it!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Random things

Well, nothing too new around here - we're just really enjoying the end of summer and making the most of the last few weeks of nice weather! We had a fun weekend visiting with friends from out of town, and Jocelyn had fun playing with two new friends. Mostly she just took toys away from them, so I guess we need to work on sharing. :) I didn't get any pictures, but here are some recent ones of Jocelyn.

I was trying to get pictures of her first bruise - but I guess you can't really see it. She whacked her head on the side corner of the end table leg, but hardly cried! She's pretty tough.

I had a really cute video of her walking along the couch, but I had the camera vertically, and wasn't really thinking that the video only shows up horizontally. I'll try to get another one today. She's becoming a pro at climbing (up the stairs when we're not looking - time for a gate!), walking along furniture and standing for a few seconds on her own!

This is her Mexico dress - I hadn't put her in it yet, and it'll be too small soon! We had gone over to the Cities for Calvin's brother's birthday, and she only slept an hour all day, so when we got home she wasn't really in the picture taking mood.

Friday, September 11, 2009

10 Months

You are lucky you are seeing these pictures. I almost had to give up because she is SO squirmy! She knows I want her to sit nice, and she thinks it's funny to squirm away now. How can you get upset when she's so darn cute?!

This month Jocelyn continues to get braver and more mobile...she's practicing her walking skills on the furniture now, and will stand by herself for a few seconds (always with something to grab onto close by). She really likes music, and will dance and fake clap (she doesn't real clap yet - just holds her hands together). She loves to climb, and has mastered stairs. She's eating most meals by herself and we're working on giving up the bottle. She had her 9 mth check up a few weeks ago, and she's 19 lbs., 8oz., and 26 in. She's slowing down on the growing - she's in the 50th percentile for both now. I think it must be all the moving around!

Just in the last few days she's started wrinkling her nose - a lot! Mom & Dad said I used to do it all the time when I was a baby too!

Singing and dancing with her radio - it's her favorite music making toy!

I was trying to get one with her nose scrunched and her eyes open, but she knows the flash is bright, so she closes her eyes!

Ginger's been waiting for this day for 10 long months....

State Fair

Last weekend we headed up to the Cities for our annual trip to the State Fair with Calvin's sister, Angie. Calvin and I started going 6 years ago with just her, but now my parents, the girls and Angie's husband, Adam, go as well. It was a gorgeous day, and we went early so it wasn't too crowded. We were there for 6 hours! I figured we'd make it about 2, but everyone did so great and we were having so much fun that we stayed! Jocelyn did great, and I think had fun watching all the people and eating her first fair food (a turkey leg - not too horrible).

The merry-go-round - she loved it! Kailee was excited to go with her, but thought the ride was a little boring.

All tired out. She slept thru all the animal exhibits, so she only got to see the ducklings at the Miracle of Birth barn. She loved them!

They went on this water ride last year and got soaked! They didn't get too wet this year, which was good, because they went at 10:00 in the morning - brrrr!

Eating french fries in the morning. We don't judge anyone at the fair. :)

Mom and Kailee go on the slides every year!
Calvin and I

Thursday, September 3, 2009

First Day of School

I know summer isn't technically over, but when school starts, that's really the end of summer. Kailee started 4th grade today! She's so big and grown up, and I know she's going to have a great year. Everyone is married, the baby's been born, and she should be able to go thru the year fairly stress-free! We went and met her teacher yesterday, and she seems really nice. She's been teaching for 18 years, most of them in 4th grade. However, she's only going to be there thru Thanksgiving and then will be taking a leave for the rest of the year. So that's a bummer, but I'm sure they'll find a great teacher to take her place!

Here are some pictures from this morning - she was a bit tired because she couldn't sleep last night - didn't get to sleep until around 10:30, and we were up at 5:45! Calvin will try to work later on Thursdays so we don't have to get her up that early, but I'm sure it will happen sometimes.