Sunday, September 27, 2009

Apple orchard

We went to the apple orchard today - it was an interesting trip! Last year we waited too long to go and didn't get many apples. This year I think we went a few weeks too early. Maybe we'll go again in a few weeks with Kailee. It was super nice out this morning, so I thought it would be a good day to go. Jocelyn slept in, we went to church, and then had Kailee's softball game to go to at 1:00. So we put her down for a nap after church, but we had to wake her up so we had time to go to the orchard. She was happy when she got up, but once we got to picking apples she got super crabby. I think she was hungry and she didn't just want apples for lunch. And she only wanted Calvin to hold her, so the pictures with me are kind of funny. She was fine after we got in the car and she had her bottle - she had fun at Kailee's game and had a good evening. Guess we shouldn't wake her up from naps anymore!

Taking her first bite...

Woah - these are a little tart!

She wanted to hold her piece - but she kept shoving the whole thing in her mouth and wouldn't take a smaller piece.

Not a happy camper

All better! Daddy lets me hold the whole thing....

Sorry I was crabby Mom - I'm all better now!

Eating dirt at the softball game - I guess the apples didn't fill her up.

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