Friday, September 11, 2009

10 Months

You are lucky you are seeing these pictures. I almost had to give up because she is SO squirmy! She knows I want her to sit nice, and she thinks it's funny to squirm away now. How can you get upset when she's so darn cute?!

This month Jocelyn continues to get braver and more mobile...she's practicing her walking skills on the furniture now, and will stand by herself for a few seconds (always with something to grab onto close by). She really likes music, and will dance and fake clap (she doesn't real clap yet - just holds her hands together). She loves to climb, and has mastered stairs. She's eating most meals by herself and we're working on giving up the bottle. She had her 9 mth check up a few weeks ago, and she's 19 lbs., 8oz., and 26 in. She's slowing down on the growing - she's in the 50th percentile for both now. I think it must be all the moving around!

Just in the last few days she's started wrinkling her nose - a lot! Mom & Dad said I used to do it all the time when I was a baby too!

Singing and dancing with her radio - it's her favorite music making toy!

I was trying to get one with her nose scrunched and her eyes open, but she knows the flash is bright, so she closes her eyes!

Ginger's been waiting for this day for 10 long months....

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