Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2nd Christmas

Christmas Eve we were at Calvin's parents house. We went to 5:15 church, then came home (got stuck in the ditch on the way there - luckily we were close to the house so his dad came and pulled out) and had a delicious dinner and opened presents. We had a sleepover at the house; the roads were slippery, it was late, and Kailee was coming in the morning anyway. It was so nice to spend a relaxing evening all together! We had 6 dogs in the house, so it was a bit wild, but that's how we like it!

Apparently I really didn't get many pictures of anyone besides Jocelyn at this party....

Playing with her Holly Holstein Ice Cream Truck from Moe & Nicole

Wow - a farm that makes animal sounds! This has already proven to be a big hit. Thanks Angie, Adam, Moe & Nicole!
Sitting in the box with her farm animals

Sitting on the box...boxes just never get old!
Bed head on Christmas morning. She thought the air mattress was really fun to jump on.

Kailee sporting the cute headband we made her wear - I think she was embarrassed.
Moe & Nicole gave her a Nerf gun - it's pretty cool, actually. She can now stand a chance against Cory.
Chillin' with the dogs.
Ellie was not embarrassed to wear the headband.

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