Sunday, February 21, 2010

15 Months

We had Jocelyn's 15 month appointment on Friday. She got 3 shots and does not like the doctor touching her. Overall, not the highlight of her week! She's growing wonderfully; she weighs 23 lbs, 12 oz and is 30.75". As if she knew it was time to start doing this - she has begun to not want to eat! The doctor asked if she had had days where she wouldn't eat - and she just had started last week. She won't eat nothing all day, but really doesn't eat much and is very particular about what she'll eat. Even her favorite things she's deciding she doesn't want any more. The doctor said it's perfectly normal, and they even out when they have days they eat a whole bunch. Just part of becoming an independent person! She's been really tired and crabby since Friday, so I hope it's just because of the shots and not because she's getting another cold! Winter can't be over soon enough!

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