Jocelyn is learning more words - she now knows bye-bye, ball, baby, hi, no, again, yes. She still won't call either of us by name, but does know how to say them. She's a stubborn one! It takes us a while to eat dinner now - she insists on using a fork and will sit there until she gets it. She's getting pretty good! She is learning new dance moves all the time and loves to sing - we get to sing songs over and over and over again!
Here are some pictures from today. It was gorgeous out - 57 degrees! I was so excited to get out and enjoy the day - I'm afraid I now have spring fever and it will probably snow next week.
Playing with Susie - she's really into pretending now.
Pretending to sleep - she loves to be covered up over and over and over again... Talking on the phone - she was really going to town! It was so funny. She would say hi and then jabber, but was doing hand gestures with it!
She's starting to play with her animals like we play with her. She'll make them give kisses, she'll give them her water cup and her pacifier. Cute!
She loves her puppy! She'll pull it around our living room/dining room/kitchen circle and walking backwards is way more fun than walking forwards!
This is her sign for 'where did it go?' She does it while shaking her head. It's my favorite thing she does.
Having a snack
She has a toy - Holly Holstein - who has an ice cream truck. We walk animals over to Holly for some ice cream - she says 'num-num.' She was using all her puzzle pieces as animals!
We went to the park - there were two other kids there that she just wanted to follow around. She threw an absolute fit when we left - she did not want to get back in the stroller!
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