Wednesday, March 31, 2010


On Monday, Calvin decided to dig up some old dead grass and plant some new stuff. We'll see - it gets pretty beat up between the fence and the driveway - we may end up putting in mulch. Jocelyn thought this was just about the greatest thing she'd ever seen! I was going to try to keep her out of the dirt pile, but Calvin said I should go put her in play clothes and let her have at it! Good thing for dads! She had a blast. She does need new tennies now though....

Helping dig
Looking at a worm - she didn't like it. She put it back in my hand and said 'no'. Which, by the way, is her favorite word. The funniest thing she does with her no word is telling us which songs she doesn't want us to sing. We'll start singing a song and she'll shake her head and say 'no'. Then I'll sing a different one, and sometimes she dances (which means it's acceptable), and sometimes she says 'no'. We go thru all the songs I can think of to sing until she finds one she wants to hear! I'll have to get it on video - it's too cute.
She normally has a onesie on under her shirts - she thinks it's great that it's warm now and she can look at her belly button whenever she wants!

Thanks Dad!

1 comment:

Lanae Brown said...

Oh my gosh, checking out her belly button is too cute! Isn't it just so much fun to get dirty? I had to stop at Once Upon A Child the other day to get some sandbox clothes for Kenzie, I think her and Jocelyn are a lot alike!