I'm sure I've said it before, but Kailee can get Jocelyn to laugh like no one else can. Tonight I was getting Jocey ready for bed, and Kailee kept running in and out of the room; sending her into hysterics. Of course, Kailee loves that, so she kept doing it. Then she wanted us to go out of the room so she could hide under the crib. This video is the second time Kailee hid - she picked a different spot, but Jocey still thought she would be under the crib. I love her laugh; you can't help but laugh along! It's kinda dark - sorry - but all you really need to do is listen!
SOOOO SWEET! Love that giggle! And I love how Jocelyn runs right into Kailee's arms - nothing like a sister!
It is so fun to hear that laugh!
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