Monday, March 22, 2010

Dancing Queen

I know I've said that Jocey loves music and loves to dance. Kailee did too when she was little (she still loves music, but is WAY too embarrassed to dance), and she always had a leotard over at Ama's house so she could dance and put on shows. I think Jocey is following in her sister's footsteps! Anita found a little swimming suit with a tutu, and put it on her so Jocey could show off her moves for us!

This is her "I'm a Little Teapot" dance

Tapping her foot

What a big girl!
She's starting to smile when I ask her to for the camera - but always comes up with these goofy smiles!

Look at those legs!

1 comment:

Nicole @ The Kavanaugh Report said...

Awwww! These pictures are the cutest thing I've seen in a long time! Shes getting too big too fast!