Monday, February 8, 2010


Saturday I had Jocelyn do a Valentine's Day painting project. There's a reason we leave the painting to day care! I started out making a potato stamper, but didn't make the heart flat enough, so it just looked like a pink blob. Then I cut a heart out of a sponge, and that worked better. She likes to squish everything, so she did good at pushing the sponge down good and hard. Then we used a brush and that's when the mess started. She wanted to chew on the brush, which led to paint in the mouth, on her face, on my face, and the table. Everywhere but the paper. :) But she had a blast until it was time to get cleaned up. Luckily the paint comes off with just water, so it wasn't too bad. I think we'll wait a few more months to do that again - hopefully she'll be mostly over putting stuff in her mouth by then!

1 comment:

J and K said...

The third picture is hilarious - she looks drugged with paint. :)