Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fall Photo Shoot

This weekend Jocelyn and I headed over to my parents' house for a Skype baby shower for my sister.  We got there Friday evening after spending a very fun day with Calvin's sister going to the zoo.  My brother was also there Friday evening, and it was so fun to hang out just the three of us; we got some great talking time in!  My parents didn't get home from visiting my sister until Saturday night, so we had Saturday during the day to get all the leaves raked.  How come chores don't seem too bad when they're at someone else's house other than your own?  So after Jocey woke up from her nap I wanted to get some pictures of her playing in the leaves.  Brian raked a nice pile of the pretty red leaves from the neighbor's maple tree for our backdrop.  We got some great pics, and she thought they were pretty fun - for the most part.

This is my new very favorite picture.  Brian seems to always get great pictures of us!

Running thru the leaves with 'Abri'

She wasn't quite sure about how the leaves felt, but she wanted to hide from Brian...

Not sure she can take it much longer...

Nope...get me out of here!

She LOVED Brian and Katie's dog Bruno.  I thought she might be nervous because he's so big, but nope!  Ginger was way more scared than Jocelyn was.

She's not purposely teasing our dogs, but I thought it was pretty funny....

Helping Brian pack down the leaves

We had a great weekend and I'm so glad Brian and Katie have moved back to ND!  Now we just need to work on getting Katie and Jonathan back here....


Lanae Brown said...

Those pictures are awesome! I love your favorite as well, just priceless! Her facial expressions being buried are so cute! She is such a sweetheart!

Tim and Jenny said...

LOVE the pictures! Especially the one where her face is all scrunched up!! What a cutie!!!