Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kailee's 12th Birthday

Our little Kiki turned 12 earlier this month.  12?!  Yikes.  Last year before she's an offical teenager.  We had her party last night - her birthday always falls over spring break, and she was out of town for part of it, so we waited until this weekend.  When we were talking about her party, and she realized it was just Anita who was coming, I told her that's what happens when you get older.  She said, "What, nobody wants to come to your party?"  No, just that it's not as big of a deal anymore.  But then I was feeling bad, so Jocey and I picked up some decorations and balloons.  She did have to put them up herself, but she loved it.

 Our big, beautiful girl

Calvin was arranging the candles so she couldn't blow them all out at once - and she didn't!  3 or 4 were left.  Good thing she still thinks boys are weird (which I think all us girls would agree with).

 She mostly got gift cards and money, which she was already bugging me to go shopping today!  Katie and Jonathan just got back from Hawaii, and got her this cute swimsuit wrap.
Jocelyn got her a music stand and some new music books

Happy 12th Birthday to our precious Kailee - we love you!

Dance Class

I'm not quite sure how, but Jocelyn is definitely a girly girl.  She'd wear a dress or skirt every day if she had enough.  And she loves to dance.  So when Anita told me about a dance class at the Sports Center in town, I decided to sign her up.  It's only 7 sessions, so I thought it'd be a good beginning to see if it's something she'd want to do. 

Well, I made the mistake of telling her about it about a month ago.  She's talked about it ever since.  And she had so many ideas about what it was going to be like.  She thought there would be a guy playing a piano so they could have music to dance to.  And that she'd hold hands with all the other girls and dance in a circle.  And that she needed to wear a fancy dress, fancy shoes, a necklace and a bracelet.  Grandma found this dress for her, and when she saw it, said "Mama, that's the prettiest skirt I've ever seen!"  It was just perfect for dance class.

This was the pose she wanted to do.

 Who's that big girl?
 But, once we got there, she wasn't too sure about it.  I thought she'd probably be a little bit shy.  I had to sit right by her for about the first 10 minutes, but then she did good.  Parents can't be in the room after the first class, so that should be interesting.  She did great - followed directions very well.  Her dancing skills need a little work, but hey, she's only 3.

 She walks around on her tiptoes quite often, so she had this move down pat!

 First position
 Who doesn't love watching themselves in a mirror?  They have a recital the last day of class, and will be performing one ballet dance and one jazz dance.  That should be the funniest thing I've ever seen.
 And then, to temper all the girly-girly stuff, Daddy came home from his fishing show with a new fishing pole!
Daddys let the kids do such fun things....

North Dakota

Last weekend Jocelyn and I headed up to North Dakota with Mom and Dad to visit Katie, Brian and Ella.  She's 8 months old now, and gets cuter every time I see her (if that's possible).  She's getting so big, is eating real people food, sitting up so good, and is really close to rolling over from her back to tummy.  She's just a smiley baby and loves to talk!  We had fun just hanging out and playing.

  Yummy - daddy's glasses sure are good!
 Opening her Easter present - she was really good at it - just reached in the bag and took stuff out, and kept looking in it to see what else was in there!
 She was not impressed with the sunglasses, but aren't they adorable?!

 Her and Jocelyn played so nicely together.  Ella just loved her, wanted to touch her face and her hair, and would screech whenever she'd walk away from her.  Of course, Jocey loves being "such a good big cousin" and had a really fun weekend.  Saturday night I stayed home with the girls while everyone else went to an Elton John concert.  We survived - I'm not quite sure how people have more than one kid.

 It was her first time in the big tub - she loved it, and obviously didn't want to get out.  She loves the water!  I love Jocey's face in this picture.

We went to a water park on Sunday, but those pictures are on Mom and Dad's camera.  Jocelyn had a blast and threw a complete fit when we had to leave.  Ella loved it too, after she got used to it.  They tried to put her feet in and she pulled them right up!  The water was a bit chilly.  But once she sat and was able to splash, she thought it was great. 

It's a bit of a drive up there, but I'm so thankful Jocelyn is such a great car rider.  She just does awesome in the car - it makes the ride so much more enjoyable!

Henry's 1st Birthday

On Sunday, March 18th we headed over to the Cities to celebrate our nephew Henry's 1st birthday.  I can't believe he's one already - that was a really fast year.  It was the weekend of gorgeous 80 degree weather and a perfect day for a party!  We had fun visiting, eating and watching the kids play.  He's such a sweet boy and we were so glad we could help celebrate his big day!

 Ama and the grandkids

 Nicole made such cute decorations - it was a robot theme party. 

 Daddy and Henry out for a cruise
 Nettie's turn!

 He loved his cake - it was bath time after he was done!