Saturday, March 31, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day is not normally a holiday we celebrate.  But, Jocelyn loves holidays, so I decided to celebrate a little this year.  At daycare, Louie the Leprecaun comes and messes up their classroom and plays other tricks on them.  Since they did it on a Friday, she wasn't there.  So, Louie made an appearance at our house! 

Look at what he did to our living room!

Instead of putting all her friends back in their basket, they watched cartoons with her instead.
 Look what else he did to our milk!  She wouldn't drink it in the morning, but by lunch time decided it was pretty funny.  I'm sure she was expecting it to taste different.
 And he turned the eggs green too!  That Louie, he sure is a funny guy.

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