Friday, March 9, 2012


Last week I took the week off - I had some vacation to use up, and had some stuff I wanted to get done around the house.  I didn't get as much done as I wanted, but it was a great week off.  Jocelyn went to Grandma & Grandpa's for a long weekend, so I went scrapbooking, read a few books, Calvin and I went out one night, and just had some great alone time!  Angie and Elliot were in EC for a few days, so we got to see them which was so fun.  We spent the day playing and laughing. 

 Baking some teething cookies for Elliot - they turned out to be a little too soft and easy to take a big chunk out of.
 Doing an impromptu dance recital with Bumpa

I've also been spending a lot of time on Pinterest lately.  It's quite addicting, but I never have time to make anything I pin!  So vacation was a great time to do that.  I found a cute rag quilt tutorial and decided  I wanted to make one for Jocelyn's bed.  So I drug out my fabric bin (which hasn't been used since Kailee was probably 6 or 7) looking for scraps.  I didn't have enough, but did find some fabric that I'm going to use for pj's and a dress for Jocey.  I also found this soft minky fabric and made a quick floor pillow for Jocelyn.  I think it's a tie who loves it more - her or Ellie. 
Here are the colors I'm using for the quilt - there was a lot to cut out, so it's taking me a bit longer than the blogger who had the idea - she did hers in one night!  That's just crazy talk. 
 The first stack of completed squares!  Only 120 left to go!  I'm hoping to work on it more this weekend, and I'll be sure to post more pictures when it's done!

I've found a lot of great recipies on Pinterest as well.  I love to try new recipies, and have made a commitment to try all of them once, and if they're good, keep them, if not, throw them away.  I have way too many and need to be realistic about which ones will become favorites.  I did make one dish (no pictures) that was so awesome - it will definitely be a favorite.  Crock Pot Santa Fe Chicken.  It was so easy (which I LOVE) and was delicious.  We served it on rice one day, and on corn tortillas the next.  Both were great.  One awesome tip I read - use your stand mixer to shred the chicken!  I've only used my stand mixer a handful of times because our kitchen is so tiny, but I got it out for this one - and it worked beautifully.  Such a time/hassle saver!

Blueberry breakfast cake - wonderful - but a bit too lemony for this house.  It was moist and delicious, and since Calvin really doesn't like lemon, I ate the whole thing.  Hey - I was on vacation!

 S'mores stuffed chocolate chip cookies - huge.  The cookie on the bottom right in the picture is a regular size cookie.  They were really good, but much better right out of the oven.  And I'd use a bit less flour next time - they were a bit dry.  And I'd do smaller graham cracker portions so the cookies didn't turn out quite so large.   

So I guess I also gained some weight on vacation. :)  And if you're not on Pinterest, I'd highly recommend it, but beware - it will take up many hours of your time!