Saturday, September 15, 2012

Happy Day

I hope I'm not jinxing myself, but I think the worst is over!!!  Wednesday night she fell asleep nice and woke up once, but only cried for a minute and went right back to sleep - I didn't even have to go in there.  And she's gone to sleep great and slept thru the night ever since.  She even slept until 9:00 yesterday morning!  She was probably so exhausted from the week.  Her reward was a flashlight so that she can read a book by herself after we're done reading books before bed.  She was wanting one of us to stay in there, and this was a good solution!  And I think she does only read the book once and then turn off her light like I told her - she's such a good listener.  One more baby thing to cross off the list...getting closer and closer to being a very big girl! 

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